Friday, January 16, 2015


1. Do not nag when he is feeling down. It’s more important to be there for your man when he’s struggling at work or facing a family problem than when he needs fashion advice or isn’t managing his money the way you would. Show up for him when he truly needs it.
2. “We need to talk.” Yes, you should talk to your man. No, you should not warn him that you need to talk about something yet-to-be-described that will likely be uncomfortable. This phrase is the most likely to shift him into defensive mode. Try a more loving approach and you will surely get better results.
3. “Is she prettier than me?” Related: “Do I look fat in this?” If the question you’re asking him has only
one acceptable answer — and if a too-long pause in responding will only feed your insecurities — just trust that his answer would have been the right one and don’t bother to ask it.
4. “You’re just like my ex.” Worse: “I’ve had better.” Or even worst of all “I miss my ex” You don’t want to be compared to his exes, so don’t compare him to yours. Even if he comes out on top, it’s still an awkward comparison.
5. “Are you really that stupid?” Be careful not to use language that emasculates and belittles your guy. Treat him with respect, even when you’re angry or disappointed learn to control it even if you have anger issues.
6. “Never mind. I’ll do it myself.” Don’t dismiss the offers of help from your man. A common love language is acts of service. Don’t deny him the opportunity to serve you. Sometimes it’s nice to feel needed.
7. “I can’t live without you.” Use desperate language with caution, and stay clear of phrases that sound clingy in early stages of the relationship. Let him take the lead when it comes to commitment and promises of a future together; like some ladies will say I love you like heaven…who does that?
8. “I’m not your mother.” Worse: “I’m just like my mother.” Keep your mom(s) out of it, unless you’re actually talking about patterns learned from your respective families of origin.
9. “Nothing’s wrong.” Yes, it is. He can’t read your mind. If something’s wrong, tell him what’s wrong. In this case some ladies after complaining so much end up saying words like “never mind, I will be fine”. Why complain in the first place if you already have the solution.


1. Do not shave off all your eyebrows only to redraw them with a pencil; simply shape it well to look

2. Do not put on too much make up, you end up looking like you came out of the make-up factory.

3. Do not wear a vest or sleeveless top without shaving your armpits or without a bra underneath.

4. Do not leave chipped nail polish to wear off on its own, there’s a reason why they sell nail polish remover and don’t use your teeth to eat them off or remove fixed nails.

5. If you can’t afford good quality weaves, don’t bother. Don’t look rough, use what you have in a nice way.

6. Do not do artificial nails that makes you look like a drag queen, simple is always sexy.

7. See-through leggings or a top used as a dress when you are out in public is a hell-to-the-no!

8. Never do things for a man with a hope of getting something in return, expectations are dangerous. Do it because you simply want to.

9. Never contradict what your man says – in public. Respect him always you can always discuss that later in private.

10. Never stalk the man that left you for the other woman, you will end up getting hurt.

11. Do not share your best friend’s personal life with every Tom, Dick and Harry; they trust you enough to know their secret is safe with you.

12. Women should never act on distress in relationships like checking your man’s phone, nagging him to death, and acting like a paranoid freak. You will simply release him to someone else by doing so.

13. Never dish out your entire family drama on a first date. The guy just wants to know about you.

14. Stop obsessing over your body. It’s good to eat healthy and work out but let’s leave it at that. If a man doesn’t appreciate you the way you are, let him move on but at least look fit.

15. Never over-accessorize. Stop looking like a Christmas tree.

16. Never leave home without lip gloss, your phone, tissue, handkerchief and most of all your dignity.

17. Never leave your used sanitary towel in the toilet for the next person to see. Women please!

18. Never wear very high heels if you can’t do the Naomi Campbell walk. You will look like a drunk grasshopper.

19. Never wear short skirts and low cut tops when off to an interview. You will create the wrong impression.
20. And finally, ‘Never wish to be like any other woman. There are others out there envying you for who you are’.

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