Tuesday, January 6, 2015


After the statement released by Rev. Fr, Mbaka during one of his sermon about the president administration, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) released a statement as regards that effect.
"There are more than 30 million Catholics in Nigeria, Fr Mbaka is just one Catholic, if he makes a statement, it cannot be the voices of more than 30 million Nigerian Catholics speaking. Nigerians shouldn’t conclude from the opinion of just one person. Everyone has their own freedom and right to support anyone they want to support. Mbaka cannot speak for the church, only the CBCN can speak for the church. Those who are complaining, should go to Fr Mbaka and find out why he is saying what he is saying. I tell you,  even the Canon Law forbid a priest  to engage in partisan politics,” Kaigama said....read more after the cut

In a related development, the Catholic Bishop of Abuja Metropolitan, Cardinal John Onaiyekan has said that given the rules of the Catholic church, Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka ought to be sanctioned following his remarks about President Goodluck Jonathan's administration.
“Mbaka will take responsibilities for his own actions. I do not believe in my mind that the way things are in Nigeria, any Catholic priest has the mandate to decide which of the political contestants should be voted for. What most of us will do is to tell people to vote according to their conscience and then, we tell the authorities to allow people to vote freely and fairly. I wouldn’t be surprised if most people are not happy with the statement he made. From my reactions, you should see that I do not agree with him. I don’t believe a priest should be doing that. But, like I said, Mbaka is a priest of his own type. If he was in my archdioceses, I will have sanctioned him long ago for the kind of things and utterances that he makes. But, he is not under my diocese; he has a Bishop to handle that if there is any need. I hope that people are not thinking that we are sending Mbaka to talk rubbish, how can they think that? If you want to hear anything even not official but at least, authoritative, then, you listen to the bishops. Rather than him and I don’t see any bishop talking that way” the Cardinal said

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