Monday, December 29, 2014

shocking and Exposed!!!! Michael Jackson the biological father of BRUNO MARS

Wondaful citizens of poporination, i bring you this news fresh as it is hot. this is the first blog to launch this news. our team have been working so hard so we could feed you with all the info.

DNA Results Confirm Michael Jackson Is Biological Father Of Bruno Mars

DNA Results Confirm Michael Jackson Is Biological Father Of Bruno Mars m.j and bruno mars. any resemblance????

Vladimir Kershov, publicist of R&B singer Bruno Mars, has been fired today after he revealed a shocking secret regarding the pop and R&B singer. Kershov leaked private information that revealed that Michael Jackson is Mars’ biological father.
In a statement emailed to news and media outlets across the world, Kershov revealed that he was told by the singer that DNA testing had proven that Jackson, known across the world as the King of Pop, was without a doubt his biological father. After pleading with Mars, born under the name Peter Hernandez, to go public with the revelation, Mars refused to do so. Kershov insisted that it be made known to the public, and that the news would catapult the singer’s fame and boost record sales. Mars remained adamant that the information not be released. According to Kershov, he then took it upon himself and emailed the shocking news to media sources all over the world.

Could The King of pop still be alive? u decide

After going through some videos and digging out files cos of the uncertainty about the death of the king op pop, it was discovered that he was scared he was gonna be killed by a group of people he could not disclose to the public. Even while he rehearsed in pains for the planned shows, he still had doubts, but his family most especially Jermaine was with him the whole time. some has the belief that he faked his death so he escapes been killed by the unknown people. someone who has made much difference in dis world; who has tried so hard to fight racism. To his die hard fans just watch dis clip and decide what u want. The best dancer of all time.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Wow!!! Tomoro is christmas which marks d birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Am in a hurry, u are in a hurry and every1 is in a hurry to get things done on tym. So many shopping; clothes to be bought, hair to be made, cattle and chickens rolling all getting scared cos dey re goin down dis season. People visit ppl to eat and drink jst to celebrate with you. Ppl borrow money jst enjoy d season. From me and the team we advise you cut ur coat d way it fits you and stay out of trouble. Enjoy ur xmas eve. Santa gave us ur gift for U. Stay blessed. Lots of luv and have much fun.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Image result for pictures of jonathan and buhari                                                                                                                        The President of the federal republic of  Nigeria, His Excellency Dr Goodluck  Ebele Jonathan; GCFR, GCON has today congratulated General Buhari his direct opponent for the upcoming Presidential Election next year on the occassion of his 72nd birthday today. The president wished him long life and prosperity on behalf of himself and the nation. So obvious our president is so loving and caring for every citizen no matter the political differences..HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENERAL SIR<<<Enough popori on point.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I want to officially welcome everyone to this blog. it promises to be exciting and interesting....this is the much anticipated POPORINATION  BLOG SPOT; where all the entertainment gist, sports gist, politics forum, academic forum, motivational and inspirational quotes will be brought to your doorstep. our main aim is for you to experience heaven on earth and making surfing fun to you. so many ideas rolling from our team, they just cant wait to get started with stuffs take you over and blow your mind. To all you models keep the dream alive cos our modelling agency will be rolling out soon, just trying to get the necessary connections and international platform plus those talented comedians, dancers and actors, actresses are not left out.  for those who are politically minded, we have professionals in this field as well not forgetting those in school though; anything you want to suggest, feel free to contact the admin. love you all like crazy. lets get started.